Hey, hung over again?
No, I'm sick.
Really. Feel.
Wanna write me out a late pass?
- Mr. Harrigan wants to see you.
Oh yeah? - What does he want?
He'll tell you.
Rusty, you've come to see me before.
Is this your daughter, Mr. Harrigan?
She's kinda cute.
- You start at Cleveland next Monday.
You're suspended till then.
Suspend the hell outta me!
You think I care.
I'm goin' to this fuckin' school
'cause my friends are here.
You think I give a shit?
I don't give a shit!
You suspend me?
I fuckin' quit!
Bye! Call me!
See you tomorrow!
Boy, is she mad at you!
What's up, Patty?
What's the matter, babe?
What's the matter!
Please, don't touch me.