Black and white TV
with the sound turned low.
I thought color-blind people
couldnt see red, green or brown.
It seems to me,
I can remember seeing colors.
It was a long time ago.
I stopped being a kid
when I was 5.
I wonder when
I'm gonna stop being a little kid.
Not ever.
I saw Mother
when I was in California.
She's alive?
In California, huh?
I saw her on television.
I was sitting in a comfortable bar,
minding my own business.
One of those award shows was on TV.
And I saw her in the audience.
- I knew I'd find her.
I thought she was dead.
Now I know
why the old man always said,
''You look exactly like your mother.''
I must look like her, too, huh?
She's living
with a fuckin' movie producer!
She was then ... I don't know.