So when will the third floor of Macy's harbor an exhibition of Japanese sacred signs
such as can be seen at Josen-kai on the island of Hokkaido?
At first one smiles at this place which combines a museum,
a chapel, and a sex shop.
As always in Japan, one admires the fact that
the walls between the realms are so thin
that one can in the same breath contemplate a statue,
buy an inflatable doll,
and give the goddess of fertility the small offering
that always accompanies her displays.
Displays whose frankness would make the stratagems
of the television incomprehensible,
if it did not at the same time say that a sex is visible
only on condition of being severed from a body.
One would like to believe in a world before the fall:
inaccessible to the complications of a Puritanism
whose phony shadow has been imposed on it by American occupation.
Where people who gather laughing around the votive fountain,
the woman who touches it with a friendly gesture,
share in the same cosmic innocence.
The second part of the museum—with its couples of stuffed animals—
would then be the earthly paradise as we have always dreamed it.
Not so sure...
animal innocence may be a trick for getting around censorship,
but perhaps also the mirror of an impossible reconciliation.
And even without original sin
this earthly paradise may be a paradise lost.