Sans soleil

If to love without illusions is still to love, I can say that I loved it.
It was a generation that often exasperated me,
for I didn't share its utopia of uniting in a common struggle
those who revolt against poverty and those who revolt against wealth.

But it screamed out that gut reaction that better adjusted voices
no longer knew how, or no longer dared to utter.

I met peasants there who had come to know themselves through the struggle.
Concretely it had failed.
At the same time, all they had won in their understanding of the world
could have been won only through the struggle.

As for the students, some massacred each other in the mountains
in the name of revolutionary purity,

while others had studied capitalism so thoroughly
to fight it that they now provide it with its best executives.

Like everywhere else the movement had its postures and its careerists,
including, and there are some, those who made a career of martyrdom.

But it carried with it all those who said, like Ché Guevara,
that they "trembled with indignation every time an injustice is committed in the world".

They wanted to give a political meaning to their generosity,
and their generosity has outlasted their politics.

That's why I will never allow it to be said
that youth is wasted on the young.

The youth who get together every weekend at Shinjuku
obviously know that they are not on a launching pad toward real life;

but they are life, to be eaten on the spot like fresh doughnuts.
It's a very simple secret.
The old try to hide it, and not all the young know it.
The ten-year-old girl who threw her friend from the thirteenth floor of a building
after having tied her hands,

because she'd spoken badly of their class team,
hadn't discovered it yet.

Parents who demand an increase in the number of special telephone lines
devoted to the prevention of children's suicides
