What do you call yourself?
Antonio Montana.
And you, what you call yourself?
-Where'd you learn English, Tony?
-In school.
And my father,
he was from the United States.
Just like you, you know?
He was a Yankee.
He used to take me a lot to the movies.
I learned. I watch the guys
like Humphrey Bogart,James Cagney....
They teach me to talk. I like those guys.
I always know one day
I'm coming here, United States.
-So where's your old man now?
-He dead. He die.
Sometime. Somewhere.
-She dead, too.
-What kind of work you do in Cuba?
-You know, things.
I was, this, that. Construction business.
I work a lot with my hands.
I was in the Army.
Any family in the States?
Cousins, brother-in-law, anyone?
Nobody. Everybody's dead.
-You ever been to jail, Tony?
-Me? Jail? No way, no.
-Been in a mental hospital?
-Yeah. On the boat coming over.
What about homosexuality, Tony?
You like men?
You like to dress up like a woman?
What is wrong with this guy?
He kidding me or what?
Just answer the questions, Tony.
Okay. No. Fuck, no!
Arrested for vagrancy? Marijuana?