-Never, man.
Where'd you get the beauty scar,
tough guy? Eating pussy?
How am I gonna get a scar like that
eating pussy?
This was when I was a kid, you know?
You should see the other kid.
You can't recognize him.
And this?
What? That's nothing.
That's for my sweetheart.
Sweetheart, my ass! We've been
seeing more and more of these.
Some kind of code
these guys used in the can.
Pitchfork means an assassin or something.
You want to tell us about it, or you want
to take a trip to the detention center?
Okay, you got me.
I was in the can one time.
For buying dollars. Big deal.
-That's pretty funny, Tony.
-That's true. It was a Canadian tourist.
Did you mug him first?
Get him out of here!
-Come on!
-So I fuck up!
Let me talk to this guy. Please!
Let me talk to him a minute.
You a Communist?
How'd you like it?
They tell you all the time what to do,
what to think, what to feel.
Do you want to be like a sheep?
Like all those other people?
I don't have to listen to this!
You wanna work 8, 1 0 fucking hours?
You own nothing, you got nothing!
Do you want a chivato on every corner
watching everything you do?
Everything you say, man?
You know I eat octopus three times a day?
I got fucking octopus
coming out of my ears.
I got fucking Russian shoes
my feet's coming through.
How'd you like that?
You want me to stay there
and do nothing?
I'm no fucking criminal, man.
I'm no puta or thief.
I'm Tony Montana,
a political prisoner from Cuba.
And I want
my fucking human rights, now!
Just like President Jimmy Carter says.
Carter should see this human right.
He's really good.
-What do you say?
-I don't believe a word of this shit!
They all sound alike to me.
That Castro is shitting all over us.