After what I did for you in Freedomtown?
What was that?
That Rebenga hit
was a game of dominoes?
-That was something else.
-Shut up! Take it easy.
What's with this dishwasher, chico?
Don't he know we could've got another
space cadet to hit Rebenga cheaper?
-Then why didn't you?
Don't call me no fucking dishwasher,
or I'll kick your monkey ass.
Who the fuck are you?
You can't do that, man!
The Colombians!
Okay, all right, big man!
You want to make some big bucks?
Let's see how tough you are.
You know something about cocaine?
You kidding me or what?
There's a bunch of Colombians
coming in Friday.
New guys. They say they got
two keys for us for openers.
Pure coke. Hotel in Miami Beach.
I want you to go over there.
If it's what they say it is,
you pay 'em and bring it back.
Do that, you get $5,000.
Go, pay them, bring it back, yeah?
You know how to handle a machine gun?
Yeah, man. We were in the Army.
-You gonna need a couple other guys.
-That's no problem.
Be at Hector's Bodega at noon Friday.
You get the buy money then.
If anything happens to that buy money...
...my boss will stick your heads up your
asses faster than a rabbit gets fucked!
I'm scared.
-You're pushing your luck.
-Don't worry.
-That was dumb.
-You worry too much.
You'll have a heart attack.
You act like that guy's doing you a favor
or something.
-What's this with the Colombians?
-What does it matter?
He says ''Colombians,''
and you make these eyes....
I don't like fucking Colombians! Okay?
What you guys doing?
There's a lot of dishes to be washed.