Bunch of cowboys. Somebody fucked up.
Yeah, well, I'll check it out right away.
You do that, Omar. You do that.
-You still got the money?
And I got the yeyo.
-You got the yeyo?
-Yeah, right.
-Bring it here.
-Fuck you.
I'm taking it to López myself.
Not you, me.
Nice fucking guy.
Frank López. Tony Montana.
-Tony Montana.
-Mr. López. It's a real pleasure.
You can call me Frank. Everybody
calls me Frank. My Little League team.
Even the fucking prosecutors
around town, they all call me Frank.
-Okay, Frank.
-How are you?
Manny Rivera.
-He caught one on the job.
-Went right through.
We heard about that. Omar, he tells me
great things about you guys.
Well, Omar's okay.
Not to mention, of course,
the nice job you did for me.
-That Commie son of a bitch--
-Well, you don't have to mention that.
-That was fun.
-That was fun?
-Damn right.
-That was fun.
Sometimes it's fun.
What do you want to drink?
Scotch, gin, rum? What do you like?
Gin is fine. Want some? Two gins.