This town's like a great big pussy
just waiting to get fucked.
I should've come here 1 0 years ago.
I'd have been a millionaire by this time.
By this time, I'd have had my own boat,
my own car...
...my own golf course.
You know what I want?
I thought of this the other day.
A line of blue jeans. With my name
written on the back of chicks' asses.
How's that?
That sounds completely crazy to me.
Look at that. Look.
You're missing the sights. That's what
you're doing. We're missing the action.
Want to have some ice cream
with my friend and me?
Get lost, greaseball!
-Look at that.
-''Ice cream''?
-That's right.
-You said ''ice cream''?
-Girls like ice cream.
-Come on, man. That's not gonna work.
You can't do it that way.
You know how you pick up chicks
in this country?
-What was that? What you just did?
-That's what you do.
That's disgusting.
-Look at that. You look like a lizard.
Like a bug coming out of your mouth.
That figures you wouldn't understand.
But the women in this country,
when you do that, they know.
-They know what?
-They understand. They go crazy.
It'll take practice, but you gotta learn.
Women love when you suck the pussy.
Look at that.
She's looking at us.
-You think you can do it with her?
-I think I can.
-You want to try it with her?
-Why not?
-You gonna watch me?
-I'm looking at you. Go ahead.
-You won't do it.
-Watch this.
I'm with you, man.
I'm gonna get her.
Go ahead, Romeo! Do your thing.