-Just be quiet.Just hang back.
You're looking very pretty today.
Yes, you. I've been watching you.
You want to see something funny?
Take a look over there. See that man?
Watch that guy. I gotta sit down here.
I gotta watch my friend
He gonna stick his tongue out to that girl.
Look at that.
You're sick!
You see what happened to him?
-If I wasn't a nice guy, I'd crack you.
-She's too big for you.
-Causing trouble like that. Come on.
-What I try to tell you?
What I try to tell you? This country,
you gotta make the money first.
Then when you get the money,
you get the power.
Then when you get the power,
then you get the women.
That's why you gotta
make your own moves.
That's the one I rented.
No. That's her, man. There she is.
About time.
Frank got held up at the golf course.
He told me to pick you up.
He said he'd meet us at the track later.
He said to bet on Ice Cream
in the first, by the way.
In that thing? You must be kidding.
What you talking about? That's a Cadillac.
-I wouldn't be caught dead in that.
-Come on.
You know, I mean, it's got a few years,
but it's a cream puff.
It looks like somebody's nightmare.
So, you like this better?
It's like one of them tigers from India.
Crazy guy. Know what he's been doing?
Dragging me to the zoo to look at tigers.
He says he's gonna buy one. You do that,
and you won't have any friends left.