-Not that you have any now.
-You're gonna like that tiger, man.
You gonna drive around with a tiger
in your passenger seat?
Maybe. Some lady tiger.
-How much?
-$43,000, fully equipped.
-That all?
-Machine-gun turrets are extra.
He's a funny guy. Come here, Manny.
Bulletproof this, okay?
And this here and here.
And the windows.
-Get me a phone with a scrambler.
-And a scrambler.
And a radio with scanners,
to pick up flying saucers, stuff like that.
Don't forget the fog lights.
In case I get caught in the swamp.
That's a good idea.
Get out of the way, lady!
I'm trying to drive here!
I thought you were taking me to Frank.
We got an hour. You hungry?
No, but I'm bored.
Well, that figures.
Check it out, Manny, okay?
And pay the guy.
And, you take a taxi.
Meet me at the track, okay?
Good doing business with you.
I wouldn't buy the car if you didn't like it.
Planning on driving the girls crazy,
aren't you, Tony?
Yeah. You know who?
And what would Frank say?
I like Frank, you know?
Only I like you better.
-You got some for me?