that Mr, Tom Fury of the lightning rods
presents his compliments,
and your house is in very
urgent need of protection,
- All right, I'll tell my father that,
- Jim!
You want to say something, Will Halloway?
Will, what kept you so late?
- Your supper's ready,
- Coming, Mom,
- Later,
- Yeah,
- Jim? Is that you, Jim?
- Yes, Mom,
Darling, can you get yourself
something to eat out of the icebox?
There's a ham in there
and some peanut butter,
Mother's just all tired out, darling,
Jim, what are you doing?
Cat got your tongue?
- Oh, we're buying a lightning rod, Mom,
- Don't make jokes, please,
Well, my father said yes,
Well done,
Now, which one will you have?
This one's got old Chinese hen tracks
on her, A rod invented to catch,,,
I'll have this one with the beetles on there,
Like an Egyptian scarab,
Good boy, Once the lightning rod
on the pyramids of Egypt,
Trained for 3,000 years to pitch the
lightning back to the high heavens,
And it's yours for,,,
How much you got there, boy?
- It's yours,
- Thank you,
You're welcome,,,
Mr, Nightshade, sir,
('horn honks/dog barking.)
"Eight, seven, zero,,,"
,,, which surely has to be lucky,