Make you feel years younger,
I wish it were that easy,
Oh, Doc, did you see what
Northwestern did last week?
Northwestern, 20 seconds to go, they
got the ball, he fades back for a pass,
- Touchdown, Wins by two!
- Ed, Doc,
Charlie, do you have any idea what
Northwestern's gonna do this week?
Now, you remember your heart,
Just one drink and one cigar,
Come on now, You know what they'll
do? They'll kill 'em,
That's what they're gonna do,
Boy, I wish I was out there
to run, to throw, tackle,,, touchdowns,
There's nothing like it,
- to smell that grass, to run on the field!
- Hey, Ed,
- Boy, ain't you somethin',
- Always was, always was,
- To your health, Doc,
- Wait a minute, To Northwestern,
('Will) Jim!
- Jim,
- ('banging continues.)
Jim, why don't you ever answer?
I've got half a mind to throw
this darn thing away,
- And get yourself burned?
- Yeah,
Hey, look, A carnival,
Saturday, 24th,
Why, that's tomorrow!
('crow caws.)