Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

are walking into a trap,
as is your rebel fleet.

It was I who allowed the Alliance...
to know the location
of the shield generator.

It is quite safe
from your pitiful little band.

An entire legion
of my best troops awaits them.

I'm afraid the deflector shield...
will be quite operational
when your friends arrive.

All right!
Up! Move!
Quickly. Quickly.
Han, hurry.
The fleet will be here any moment.
Charges. Come on. Come on!
Oh, my. They'll be captured.
Wait! Come back!
R2, stay with me.
You rebel scum.
- All wings report in.
- Red Leader standing by.

- Grey Leader standing by.
- Green Leader standing by.

Lock S-foils in attack positions.
May the Force be with us.
We've gotta be able to get
a reading on that shield... up or down.

How could they be jamming us
if they don't know...

if we're coming.
Break off the attack.
The shield is still up.
