This way, inspector.
This is it, inspector.
The coffee room and john
are down the hall.
If that's all, I'll get back to work.
Nice work yesterday, inspector.
It was me. You saved my life.
If there is anything...
- Can I help you?
- Draft.
My game! My game!
You son of a bitch.
Come on, dickhead, fork over the bucks
before I kick your nuts up your nose!
I don't have any bucks, Ray.
I pissed it away.
And you? Pull something from
your pants besides your wet string.
I ain't got much.
We've been here all day...
...and they won't run us no more tab.
Give me it, twat-lips, or
I'll give your face its first period.
Want to go a couple of chugalugs
for some scratch?
- What about us?
- Suck my ass with a straw!