Horace, do me a favor. Get me
the ballistics on the Wilburn killing?
The what?
I got him.
Almost as ugly as you are.
He does have his good points.
Can you wire the report
in the morning?
You keep your ass covered
until I can get this arranged.
- If Chief Jannings finds out...
- He won't.
Just get me the information.
Names, where they are,
where they work.
It's not easy, inspector.
I won't risk taking that photo
off his wall.
One other thing,
could you get me Kruger's sheet?
Anything else?
Just the address.
Mrs. Kruger?
Can I have a word with you?
- You from the insurance company?
- No.
If you don't want fish,
get your ass out of here.
Mrs. Kruger, my name's Callahan.
You got shit in your ears, buddy?
I'd like to ask a few questions
about your husband.
That lousy son of a bitch?
He leaves me nothing.
I'm up to my ass in bills.
He let the insurance run out.
Then he's killed
looking at dirty pictures...
...when he ain't touched me
in months, bastard.
Can't you see our sister's mourning?
Get out of here.