He couldn't live with it.
The other vermin didn't care.
But the guilt ate at his gut...
...like an acid.
He actually wanted you to come back.
He used to sit, waiting,
praying that you'd come back.
One night
he couldn't wait any longer.
He just got in his car and smashed
himself into a retaining wall.
Now you're here
and he doesn't even know it.
It's my fault.
I should have let him
be punished then...
...along with the other filth.
He's my only child.
His mother died giving birth to him.
We're all each other have.
I was afraid for him.
I was afraid for me.
You see, I was a public figure.
...I did things. I fixed it.
And now I want you to just go.
Let it end.
There's one left.
And I've got him...
...in my jail.
You just leave him to me.
He's preyed on Alby and me ever since.
That too is going to end.
Is that so, Lester boy?