Terms of Endearment

- What do you think she wants?
- Maybe to tell you how to have sex.

What?! No. She only knows
how to avoid it.

I can't believe you said that.
I didn't mean it.
I didn't mean it, I swear.

What have you been doing, Emma?
What is it, Momma?
I really want to get some sleep so
I look halfway decent for tomorrow.

Come on. What is it?
Would you want me to be silent
about something for your own good?

Yes, ma'am, I would!
OK, come on.
Come on.
I've been in here all night.
I've been trying to decide what...
what wedding gift to get you.

I thought of that Renoir
that my mother gave me.

But I couldn't reach a conclusion.
Then I came to grips with the reason
why I couldn't think of a gift.

Oh, Momma, it's all right.
I need dishes, a rotisserie...

The car...the house...
