Terms of Endearment

What's wrong?
Where have you been all night, Flap?
I'm sorry. I fell asleep on
that big sofa at the library again.

I don't know what's wrong with me.
I'm on to you.
I'm not doing anything.
Oh, yes, you are.
We go through this stage
every time...

Don't change the subject.
What's the subject?
That I'm on to you.
You wouldn't try to look so innocent
unless you were guilty.

You'll have to take my word for it.
You have no other choice.

Excuse me.
Emma, you...always get
a little paranoid

in your first few months, OK?
If you are doing something
and you're trying to make me feel
crazy because I'm pregnant,

then you may have sunk so low
that you'll never recover.

You may have just panicked, Flap,
and trying to save yourself,

you've thrown out
your character and principles.

The only way to redeem yourself, and
be the man God intended you to be,

is to admit anything you
might have been doing last night.

Cos if you don't do that,
if you don't do that right now,

you are a lost man.
A shell, a bag of shit dust.
You've got to tell me.
For us, honey. Come on.

Hello, Aurora.
