Hey, calm down.
Don't create panic here.
This isn't getting us anywhere.
The reason why we've come here
today is to work together,
to make this community work.
We called off school today.
The teachers and the administration,
we thought,
"What's the point?"
Now, that was wrong.
I remember after the president
was assassinated,
we bowed our heads, we mourned...
...we went on.
Look, maybe... Maybe we should start
a community force.
- What, like the Red Cross?
- Yes, like the Red Cross.
To help those people who need it.
I don't think it's reasonable to expect
we're gonna get help from the outside.
- We have civil defense.
- What civil defense?
Are you people crazy? You're talking
like this is an earthquake
or a hurricane. Well, it's not!
Bernie, you're a doctor,
why don't you tell these good people
what they've got
to look forward to here.
We don't know yet.
Well, we really have no equipment
available for accurately measuring
radiation fallout.
If the rads dosage reaches...
...40 or 50 per hour,
and remains there long,
there will be illness.
And that can lead to dizziness...
...gastroenteritis, fever,
skin sores, hair loss.