
- Hello, Brad.
- Hi, Mrs. Abhart.

- How's your family?
- Okay.

Well, I heard that too.
You know what happened?

Nova Scotia heard the Russians
pulled a preemptive strike.

West Texas heard it was
the Chinese,

South America heard it was
some radical liberation organization.

Glad to hear from you,
November Six Hotel Lima.

Catch you soon again, Harvey.
Hi, laddie.
That was Santa Rosa,
they got it worse than we do.

Some actual blast damage.
Lot of concern about contamination.
Good spirit, though.

Can I stay, Mr. Abhart?
I'll tell you what. You can...
...run these down to Dr. Jenson
and that lady mayor.

They want these rad numbers.
Why, what they're gonna do with them,
I don't know.

- Have you got your bike?
- Yeah.

You rode up the hill?
I knew you would.
I keep hoping to reach Mischa Usoff
in the U.S.S.R.

Can I come back, Mr. Abhart?
I'll tell you what. You do that.
Eleven days.
I wear your sweater.
