Mary Liz has her piano lessons,
and Dad could still come.
And this is our home.
Go on, you two run on ahead.
Scottie's tree.
I can't write today.
Dance, pipe and skip.
Dance fast into the mountains.
They're gone.
He's done it, by gadfry!
Come out, citizens.
Come out.
I'll accept thou promised payment
of 1,000 guilders,
for I have saved your town
from the plague of rats.
You play wonderful music.
But what rats? I see no rats.
I will pay you 1 guilder
out of the kindness of my heart.
Thou made a promise.
Thou now is forgetting.
You're not going to be difficult, now,
are you, Piper?
Thou is gonna be sorry.
Next time I'll play a different tune.
Play away, I love music.
Lisa, who was supposed to be
our narrator, is sick.
Nancy is going to take her place.
From schoolrooms and playgrounds,
from kitchens and nurseries,