The Big Chill

My favourite part!
Here it is.
- Say, baby, let's eat.
- Come on, big guy!

- The pasta's ruined now.
- You get money when that airs?

One thing I do want is
a Cosmic Invaders game for my trailer...

:50:20 Nick and I can watch it
and kick back.

- What? I don't want to hear this.
- What do you mean?

Video games?
You relax with video games?

Don't knock video games.
I let you guys out of sight and you
develop moronic interests.

Don't knock morons.
Would you prefer we got
into heavy drugs?

That might be better.
No offense, Nick.
He should be here.
I feel like we should've
had a chair for Alex.

Of course, we don't have
enough food.

This is all so familiar.
I love you all so much.
That sounds gross, doesn't it?

No, it doesn't.
I feel I was at my best
when I was with you people.

I know what you mean.
When I lost touch with this group...
...I lost my idea of what I should be.
Maybe that's what happened to Alex.
