The people with
pork belly contracts are thinking,
"Hey, we're losing all our money
and Christmas is coming.
"I won't be able to buy my
son the GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip.
"And my wife won't make love to me
cos I ain't got no money."
They're panicking, screaming, "Sell, sell."
They don't want to lose all their money.
They are panicking right now. I can feel it.
Look at them.
He's right, Mortimer, my God, look at it.
I'd wait till you get to 64, then buy.
You'll have cleared out
all the suckers by then.
Do you realise how much money
he just saved us?
Money isn't everything, Randolph.
Advise our clients
interested in bellies to buy at 64.
Mr Valentine has set the price.
Well done, William.
Very well done.
Come on, Randolph, we're gonna be late.
Mortimer dropped his money clip.
- You can count it, it's all there.
- Thank you.
- It's all there, count it.
- I'm sure it is. Keep up the good work.
All right, Randy.
Nice try, Mortimer.