Louis, I have a big surprise for you.
Excuse me. The door was open...
I'm looking for a Louis Winthorpe.
- Does he live here?
- Wait here a minute, I'll be right back.
Louis, Louis. It's him. It's Valentine.
Louis... Louis?
It was close but he's going to be all right.
Now, make sure he gets plenty of rest.
And for God's sake, no excitement.
Thanks, Doc. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you.
I'll let myself out, Coleman. Thank you.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
It was a dream.
I dreamt the whole thing.
It was just a bad dream.
Good morning, sir.
Merry Christmas.
Coleman, I've had
the most absurd nightmare.
I was poor and no one liked me.
I lost my job, I lost my house.
Penelope hated me.
And it was all because
of this terrible, awful Negro.
- Oh dear!
- lt...was...the...Dukes.
You're a dead man, Valentine.
It was an experiment.
They used us as guinea pigs, man.
The Dukes used us as guinea pigs.
To see how our lives would turn out.
They made a bet.
- I'm afraid it's true, sir.
- I believe him, Louis.
The Dukes ruined my life over a bet?
- For how much?
- A dollar.