Beat the shit out of ten cops and had
to change my whole strategy around.
When they brought you in and booked you,
you was crying like a pussy.
- Yeah.
- The cops threw tear gas in my face.
I still walked in like a man,
so get outta my face.
You beating up a man,
putting him in hospital.
- How come I don't see marks on you?
- Yeah.
Cos I'm a karate man, all right.
Karate men bruise on the inside
They don't show their weaknesses.
You don't know that, motherfucker.
Now get off my back, all right.
I wish my bitches would hurry up.
I ain't got time to be here.
Where is your bitches,
Mr Big Time Pimp?
Didn't I tell you,
the phone in my limousine is busted
and I can't get in contact
with my bitches.
Yeah, the phone in the limo had busted.
Are you ignorant?
- Look, sit down, all right.
- It ain't cool being no jive turkey
so close to Thanksgiving.
Hey, now...
You boys don't know what you're doing,
I can see that already.
Do you know who you're fucking with?
Back the fuck up, back up.
D'you know who you're fucking with
in cell number four on the ninth floor.
- Billy Ray Valentine?
- Yes.
Move it.
- You made bail.
- I did?
May I suggest using a night stick, officer?
Get outta here.