This happens to me every week.
This is your house.
These are your personal possessions.
You will only be stealing from yourself.
Look, first you throw my ass in jail.
Then you run me some garbage
about how this is my house, this is my rug
and this is my personal slave too.
I understand how you feel
but the fact remains, all this is yours.
You may do with it whatever you wish.
This is my stuff.
I can do what I want with it, right?
This is my vase, Billy Ray's vase?
I can play Harlem Globetrotters
shit with it, like Meadow Lark Lemon?
- Hey man, I'm sorry about that.
- Perfectly all right, it was your vase.
That was a fake, right?
I think we paid $35,000 for it.
But, I seem to remember we estimated
its value at $50,000 for the insurance.
You see, Mortimer? William
has already made us a profit of $15,000.
You want me to break something else?
Excuse me.
I hope we're not pushing it, using Mr
Beeks for this, as well as the crop report.
We are involved in a very important
scientific experiment, Mortimer
and Mr Beeks has always proven reliable.