- "La Bo-heem"
- "La Bohéme" - it's an opera.
It's an opera.
- One cellophane bag.
- I've never seen that before in my life.
That's PCP - phencyclidine.
Angel dust.
You ever seen
what this stuff does to kids?
You're looking
at three to five, mandatory...Louis.
What's happening, Terry?
Gimme a bottle of your best champagne.
You've got a nerve,
showing your face here after all this time.
Look, man, I got your money.
I got your poor...measly...$27...
with interest.
Billy Ray, honey. Is that you?
Who do you think it is?
Terence, get the lady some champagne.
In fact, champagne for everybody,
courtesy of Billy Ray Valentine.
A toast to Billy Ray?
I'm very sexy.
People will say, "Billy Ray, you're sexy,"
and not understand my sexuality.
I know.
You was in the tank last night,
braggin' on your limousine.
You're the motherfucker
I was gonna carve.