That's three lines
in the ground.
It could be anything.
You know it isn't though,
don't you?
That's a message
from my son.
You know that.
Mrs. Wilkes?
Yeah, that's right.
I'm Jason Rhodes.
I phoned this morning.
Yeah, I know who you are.
Listen, my husband doesn't
want to talk to you.
I phoned him this morning,
and he said he did.
Not anymore.
Why don't you
do me a favor and go away?
Not until
I see your husband.
You've got no right
to be here.
It's taken me 1 0 years
to get that god damned war
out of his head.
Looks to me like
it's still in his head.
that's very deep.
Where were you
all the days
he spent staring
at the walls?
Hey, Wilkes!
Goddamn you!
Why did you send
your wife out here?
Don't you have
the guts to come out?
Leave him alone!
My son needs you!
At least look
at our photographs.
I'll handle this now.
I don't like your tactics.
But I'll listen
because of Frank.