It was beautiful!
It was gorgeous!
Mr. MacGregor.
I wanted to thank you
After watching you,
I know Jason's chosen
the right men for the job.
And as a token
of my esteem,
a check and pocket money
for Bangkok.
Take it.
Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Do you ever regret
letting Frank go,Jason?
He was in the service.
There wasn't any question.
Couldn't your Washington contacts
get him stationed elsewhere?
When there's war,
the Rhodes fight.
We lost almost the whole family
at Gettysburg.
That's all we're good at.
Haven't always been real good
at fighting, either.
A lot of us been killed.
But we're always there.
You know,Jason...
I'd give everything
I have--everything...
for just one hour with him.