Under Fire

- No matter.
- (woman) Marcel?

- Do you know who she is?
- No.

That"s Miss Panama.
Do you know who that is?

Yes. l do.
She"s in love with me.
l"ve got to get some water in the pool.
And once a week l have lunch
with President Somoza

to discuss security measures
against the Sandinista insurgents.

and all he wants to talk about
is Miss Panama.

He is worried about her.
- He thinks she"s seeing another man?
- He assigned me to find out who he is.

Thank you.
We all know the revolutionaries
are going to win.

Don"t we?
You know. l saw this picture
on a leaflet in Africa.

You know what they all say about it?
That you"re the genius
that created that idea.

lt was a lot of people"s idea.
Have you been to León?
- No.
- No. we"re going to Masaya.

We understand the rebels
have entered the cuartel.

You would love León.
A nice cathedral. Beautiful light.

- We"re not doing a travelogue.
- Of course. of course.

Only l have heard that Comandante Rafael
was recently in the area.

- Rafael"s near León?
- Well. it"s a rumour. What do l know?

Marcel, estoy desamparada.
- She"s lonely.
- Well. we don"t want to keep you.

lt"s my job.
Do you think l talk too much?
(Russel) So Rafael"s near León.
Did you dream about
Miss Panama last night?
