The Army cuts my disability pension.
They claimed the plate in my head
wasn't large enough.
Clark and Ellen don't want
to hear about problems.
No, no. It is very interesting.
Why don't you just ask him
for the money, Eddie?
He sure as hell can't take a hint!
Well, I didn't want to ask you, Clark.
Could you, maybe,
spare a little extra cash?
Sure, Eddie!
How much money do you need?
About $52,000.
Good-bye, baby!
You'll send those checks?
It's taken care of.
Okay, let's go. Come on, Edna.
Lay off, lay off!
Well, gotta be going.
What's this?
This is for you, Clark.
Oh, what is it?
A gift.
You didn't have to buy me a gift!
Go on and open it.
Eddie, you shouldn't have.
Those are great, Dad!
Be quiet, Russ.
Try them on.
No, no, I don't want to get them dirty.
I told you he wouldn't like them!
I love them.
I knew you did because
the last time I saw you, Clark...
...you remarked about
how much you liked mine.
I guess we better be going.
Here he is, Uncle Clark,
all walked and everything.
What is this? A dog?
He's Aunt Edna's dog, Dinky.
He watches "Family Feud."
How are you, little fellow?
You didn't get to meet Dinky last night.
He had the shits,
so he slept in the barn.