That there is no circus in town.
Exactly... l invented most of it.
Yes, there was a coffin,
but an ordinary one.
Of a man who died in Benidorn
of an overdose of...
No dwarfs, no giant, nothing.
...if l tell the dwarf story often enough,
l'll start to believe it myself.
And that, l think,
is the essence of my writing.
l lie the truth.
Until l no longer know whether
something did or did not happen.
That's when it gets exciting.
What you make of reality...
...is inflnitely more interesting
than reality itself.
The cards, ladies and gentlemen!
To note down your questions
for after the intermission...
...so Mr. Reve can answer them
one by one.
Have you had a drink yet?
No, not yet. Who is the lady
that keeps fllming me?
Oh, our treasurer.
May l introduce you?
Christine Halslag.
She'll give you your fee afterwards.
Get Mr. Reve a drink,
l've got to collect the cards!
You flatter me. All that fllm footage...
Yes, l thought: such a celebrity
is not going to escape me.
...that doesn't buy you
a square meal in Holland.
- ls it that bad?
- Worse.
The 250 you're paying me for this
is a windfall.
- Would you autograph your book?
- Sure.
l'll get you a drink.
l loved your talk.
- Good. Buy my other books too.
- l certainly will.
This is on the house.