Tomato juice?
A bloody Mary with lots of vodka.
The bartender has a liberal hand.
But l'm not a drinker,
the odd glass of wine...
- l'll get you a soft drink.
- Leave it, l'll make do with this.
Are you going back to
Amsterdam tonight?
Depends on the number of questions,
if l can catoh the train.
We've booked you into a hotel,
just in case.
l hate hotel rooms,
they're like torture chambers.
But it's the best hotel in town.
There it is.
Anything wrong?
lt's flrst class.
VlP's always stay there.
A hotel to hang yourself in.
What else can you do there?
You can read the Bible of course...
...or jack yourself off, right?
As you like.
You could also stay with me.
Depends on the number of questions.
lf l can catoh the train.
You always write in flrst person:
l this... l that...
Are you at all interested
in your fellow man?
Fellow men are so vague.
A writer, like anyone, is involved
with only a few people.
Yet even them l can't encompass...
...and l project things into them
that don't exist. Next question.
You always call yourself
a Roman Catholic.
How can a sensible person in this day
of modern technology be a Catholic?