Gee, l didn't know you were
so good at it. Look...
ls that him?
Well now...
You're going to tell me
all about this Herman.
l've known Herman for years.
From when l flrst met Johan.
Johan? Who's this Johan?
- My dead husband l told you about.
- Oh, yes.
Herman wanted me,
but l married Johan.
That's life.
Sure. But tell me about this Herman?
l'd rather not.
Why not?
ls it problematic?
Come on, Christine,
we're both adults.
Herman is so...savage.
He doesn't beat you?
No, in bed l mean.
What does he do?
He just pounds away.
And he comes at once.
No wonder, that boy
is crazy about you.
Yes, but there's nothing in it for me.
Doesn't he repeat the exercise?
Falls right asleep.
Perhaps l can help you.
l'm psychic as you've noticed.