Protovision. I wanted to see
the program for their new games.
- Can I have this?
- I'm not through yet.
Remember you told me to tell you when
you were acting rudely and insensitively?
You're doing it right now.
"Theatrewide biotoxic
and chemical warfare."
- This didn't come from Protovision.
- Ask him where it did come from, Jim!
- I told you already.
- Looks military to me. Definitely.
- Probably classified, too.
- If it's military, why does it have games
- Iike checkers and backgammon?
- Those games teach basic strategy.
Jim, how do I get into that system?
I wanna play those games.
That system probably contains
the new data encryption algorithm.
- You'll never get in.
- No system is totally secure.
- I bet you Jim could get in.
- I bet you he couldn't!
- I bet you he could.
- You won't get through frontline security.
- But you might look for a back door.
- I can't believe it, Jim!
That girl's listening,
and you talk about back doors!
Mr Potato-head.
Mr Potato-head!
Back doors are not secrets!
- You're giving away all our best tricks.
- They're not tricks.
- What's a back door?
- Whenever I design a system
I put in a password
that only I know about.
That way, whenever I wanna get back in,
I can bypass whatever security they've
added on. That's basically what it is.
OK. You really wanna get in, find out
about the guy who designed the system.
Come on! I don't even
know the guy's name.
Boy, are you guys dumb! You guys are
so dumb. I got this thing all figured out.
Oh, yeah, Malvin? How would you do it?
The first game in the list.
Go right through Falken's Maze.