Hi! I'm Jennifer.
- Is David here?
- How do you do?
Yeah. He's up in his room.
Have you ever heard
of the word tumulus?
Tumulus? No. I haven't. I'm sorry.
Neither have l.
- Where have you been?
- What?
I haven't seen you all week in school.
Are you sick?
No, no. I was...
I was doing things.
You wanna sit down? How are you?
- No. I'm going to get some water, OK?
- OK.
- What is all that stuff?
- Oh, it's nothing. I was just...
I was trying to find out about the guy
who designed those game programs,
so I could get his secret password.
- Why?
- Why? Cos...
What's so special about playing
games with some machine?
Oh, no...
No, it's not just some machine.
Here. Look at this.
This is a tape that I got from the library.
It's about this guy named Falken.
He was into games as well as computers.
He designed them so that
they could play checkers or poker.