
What did I do?
You have the right
to consult with an attorney

and to have one present
during questioning.

If you cannot afford an attorney,
one will be appointed to you by the court.

- Do you understand these rights?
- Yeah.

Are you willing to talk to me
about the charges against you?

All right. Let's move.
This rather large room
is command centre for NORAD.

No picture taking. The screens in front
of you are connected to our satellites

and missile tracking stations
throughout the country.

This is the commander's desk.
Colonel Conley is in charge.

Would you mind relinquishing
your command, sir?

Miss Dailey, would you come
and sit in this rather important chair?

These buttons are connected
with the Strategic Air Command

and missile launching stations.
Miss Dailey, would you press
this button here? The red one.

- The one in the middle?
- Yes, ma'am.

Oh, my God! It's the wrong one!
It's a joke! You didn't blow up anything.
Look what you did do.

"Distinguished visitors
from Birmingham."

Last week I had the governor
of New Jersey in this chair.

He said, "Colonel Thomas, why are we
at DEFCON 4?" as we are right now.

Why are we at DEFCON 4?
The Soviets saw our bombers scramble
and went on alert.

We told them it was just an exercise, but
we want them to relax their posture first.

Wait. Wait.
- Give me that.
- Oh, Christ. Another tour group.
