I woke up the president. I told him
we were under attack by the Russians.
You know what an idiot that makes me
look? Not to mention the general.
I think we're being a little naive here.
There is no way a high-school punk
can put a dime in a telephone
and break into our system.
He's got to be working
with somebody else.
He fits the profile perfectly.
He's intelligent, but an underachiever.
Alienated from his parents.
Has few friends.
Classic case
for recruitment by the Soviets.
What does this say
about the state of our country?
I mean, have you gotten any insight
as to why a bright boy like this
would jeopardise the lives of millions?
He says
he does this sort of thing for fun.
Dammit, John, I want some answers,
and I want 'em now!
- Let me talk to this little prick.
- I don't wanna talk. Just do it!
Come on, Paul.
Who do they belong to? Do you know?
Good morning, sir.
- Where's the Lightman kid?
- In the infirmary, sir.
Hello, David. John McKittrick.
I run the computer facility here.
Sergeant, these aren't necessary,
the handcuffs?
No, sir.
Well, David, we called your parents.
We told them everything's fine.
No charges have been filed... yet.
But I think we are gonna need
a little time to sort things out here.
How much time?
Well, that depends on
how willing you are to cooperate.
Oh, of course.
Sergeant, would you tell the OD
I'm gonna take David for a little walk?
Let's go down to my office.
We'll be more comfortable there.
Go ahead.
You used to work with Stephen Falken?