I started as his assistant.
How d'you know?
I read an article you wrote with him
on poker and nuclear war.
Bluffing. Yeah,
that shook a few people up.
- He must have been pretty amazing.
- He's a brilliant man. A little flaky.
He never understood the practical uses
of his... of his work.
This machine over here
runs his game program.
Come here a minute, David.
See that sign up here? Up here?
- Yeah.
That indicates
our current defence condition.
It should read DEFCON 5,
which means peace.
It's still on 4 because of
that little stunt you pulled.
Actually, if we hadn't caught it in time,
it might have gone to DEFCON 1 .
- You know what that means, David?
- No. What does that mean?
World War Ill.
You broke into our system
just to play a game, right?
That's right. That's exactly right.
After the news, you must have
realised how serious it was.
- Why'd you do it again?
- I didn't do it again.
- I even threw the number away.
- They found it in the trash.
Joshua called me.
Look at that! That's some setup.
- What did you say?
- This is some setup.
No, no. Before that.
Joshua called me.
David, machines don't call people.
Yours did.
Who are you going to Paris with?
Paris? Oh!
No... You don't understand.
You had reservations for two to Paris.
- Who are you working with?
- Nobody!
Why don't I believe you?
I don't think I should say anything else
until I talk to a lawyer.