Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday...
Sammo Hung!
You're not Sammo Hung!
He's not Sammo Hung!
Get him...
Hurry up.
Don't run...
What a coincidence!
We do not wish to be
the parasites of society.
We do not wish to
live off other people's harvests.
We only want to give comfort
to the despaired.
Let me ask is it shameful
to be in hard labor?
Let me ask is it a crime to support
your husband and children?
I hereby implore citizens of Hong Kong,
that there's no right or wrong
in the entertainment business.
It's everybody's responsibility
to legalize prostitution!
Curly, you were great!
We have to act like real men,
be free and go bravely forward!
Brother Jack.
Want to buy me out?
My principle is never to be a two-timer!
Say no more.
We'll start demonstrating today.