
And this:
"The place I have discovered,

is the place the hierophant
was looking for."

- What does hierophant mean?
- A master of mysteries.

Now you have to tell me
where you found it,

because there's something else
that only a scholar,

an expert in the history
of religions can see.

That's why I have to know exactly
who you got it from,

and if the text is correct.
Here's how I got it.
A present from Alessandra.

An old typewriter.
Out of curiosity, I wrote out
everything typed on the old ribbon.

- Here it is.
- Check where it says"K zone".

"Found a K zone completely free
and unsuspected, ideal place..."

It's an old theory going back
to the turn of the century.

A former student of mine,
a Swiss scholar named Meyer,

wrote a thesis on it.
Funny, I thought it was here.
These K zones were the result
of research done by Paolo Zeder.

Somebody who just
disappeared into thin air.

This Zeder sustained that in all the
places in antiquity where contact

had been made with the Beyond,
with the dead,

from Delphi to Epirus
to Dodona and so on,

constants could be determined,
which he called alchemical,

but which we would today call
chemical or geological similarities.

The areas he called K zones
were supposed to be different.

They defied all natural laws
and existed in state of suspension.
In a non-time, a non-season,
a non-growth, a non-death.

Idealistically, a zero-time.
And it would allow
a return from the dead.

On my way!
