Is anyone here?
I was looking for Don Luigi Costa.
- Who are you? - I have
something to show Don Luigi.
- What's it about? - Something
personal, I can only show it to him.
- Did Don Emidio send you here?
- No, who's that?
You were saying you had something
personal for Don Luigi Costa?
Yes, it's kind of nonsensical...
Somebody gave me a typewriter
that used to belong to him.
Go on. What's this all about?
You're Don Luigi!
Well, here.
- You must be mad.
- Why?
You attribute these things
to a priest?
No, they seem strange to me too.
Before going to the police,
I wanted to find out...
Nobody in the world
could have written such nonsense.
I never owned a typewriter
in my life!
- Only the table? - I don't think you
have the authority to interrogate
the first one you come across.
- You don't plan to help me?
Sure I'll help you.
Tear up this stuff.
And forget it
as quickly as possible.
Don't ever come back,