Anybody home?
Is anybody home?
Excuse me...
Can I come in?
- Anybody home? Hello!
- Who's there?
Excuse me, ma'am...
- Who told you you could come in?
- Nobody, I saw the For Rent sign...
You must've seen the notice
to go to the agency.
- I did read it...
- Anyway, I've decided
not to rent it after all. They have
to take that damn thing down.
I took the liberty because I know Don
Luigi from when I was a kid, at camp.
That's how
I knew this was his house.
I thought he'd have rented to me,
more readily than to others.
My brother's not here.
He's not with us anymore.
- When did it happen?
- A month ago.
But he was in and out
of that hospital almost a year.
With those butchers who are
only capable of killing people...
- I'm terribly sorry.
- Thank you.
- I'll be going now.
- Were you very close to him?