Yet the sensometers scattered around
signal a presence,
like somebody
walking over the field.
It can't be small animals
because the sensometers
are set to react
only to a certain weight.
They're calibrated
for over a 100 pounds,
and no living creature exists small
enough to escape our TV cameras,
with a specific mass that dense.
What's the temperature
of the ground now?
- It's up nine degrees.
- And now?
- It's still rising.
- It's always the same.
The arrival of that presence in the
zone slowly raises the temperature.
Every night at the same time,
and at dawn the effect disappears.
The data collected by Luigi Costa
was extraordinarily precise.
your suspicions were correct.
The tomb is empty.
He isn't there.
- Now where do we look for him?
- In Bologna.
I have two classes.
Come on, hurry.
Let's take the highway.
- Dear Luigi Costa, we're
through with you! - What...
Spina. See what your book says.
The necropolis of Spina.
That's what that name reminded me of!
Go on, read more.
It was founded around 530 B.C.
It was heavily hellenized and
had its own treasury at Delphi.
- What's that mean? - That they were
in touch with the Delphic oracle.
The oracle of the dead?
The vast necropolis, which
included a large number of tombs,
number that seems
inexplicable today,
given the scarsity
of the population...