And then, suddenly,
increasingly strange behavior.
by the Zelig phenomenon...
Dr. Fletcher arranges
a series of experiments...
and invites the skeptical staff
to observe.
With the doctors watching, Zelig
becomes a perfect psychiatrist.
When two Frenchmen
are brought in...
Zelig assumes their characters
and speaks reasonable French.
In the company
of a Chinese person...
he begins to develop
Oriental features.
By now, word has gotten out
to the press...
and the public, thirsting
for thrills and novelty...
is immediately captivated.
The clamor is so great...
that Dr. Allan Sindell
is forced to issue a statement.
We're beginning
to realize the dimensions...
of what could be the scientific
medical phenomenon of the age...
and possibly of all time.
Fresh stories roll off
the press every day...
about Zelig
and his puzzling condition.
Although the doctors claim
to have the situation in hand...
no two can agree
on a diagnosis.
I'm convinced
it's glandular in nature...
and although there's
no evidence of misfunction...
further tests will show
a problem in the secretions.
It's something he picked up
from eating Mexican food.
This manifestation
is neurological in origin.
This patient is suffering
from a brain tumor...
and I should not be surprised
if within several weeks he died.
We have not been able
to locate the tumor...
but we're still looking.
within two weeks' time...
it is Dr. Birsky himself
who dies of a brain tumor.
Leonard Zelig is fine.
Throughout the weeks
of testing and speculation...
Eudora Fletcher
begins to feel...