
that the patient
might be suffering...

not from
a physiological disorder...

but from a psychological one.
It is Zelig's unstable makeup,
she suggests...

that accounts
for his metamorphoses.

The governing board of doctors
is hostile to her notion.

They conclude
that Zelig's malady...

can be traced to poor alignment
of the vertebrae.

Tests prove them wrong...
and cause a temporary problem
for the patient.

Now the press and public
hang on every bit of news...

thoroughly absorbed
in the real-life drama.

The continuing saga
at Manhattan Hospital goes on.

This morning, doctors report,
experiments were conducted.

Several women were placed
in proximity to the subject...

but no change occurred...
Ieading authorities
to conclude...

that the phenomenon
does not occur with women.

Doctors will experiment
with a midget and a chicken.

Leonard Zelig continues
to astound scientists...

at New York's
Manhattan Hospital...

where numerous tests
have led nowhere...

in determining the nature of
this astonishing manifestation.

He is confronted
by two overweight men...

at the request of the doctors.
As the men
discuss their obesity...

an initially reticent Zelig
joins in...

swelling himself
to a miraculous 250 pounds.

Next, in the presence
of two Negro men...

Zelig rapidly
becomes one himself.

What will they think of next?
Meanwhile, Americans all over
have their own reactions.

I wish I could be Lenny Zelig,
the changing man.

I'd be different people.
Someday my wishes
will come true.

Leonard Zelig is
one of the finest gentlemen...

in the United States of America.
He is the cat's pajamas.
