Trying a new approach...
Dr. Fletcher places the subject
under hypnosis.
Tell me why you assume
the characteristics...
of the person you're with.
-It's safe.
-What do you mean safe?
to be like the others.
You want to be safe?
I want to be liked.
Probing Zelig's unconscious...
Dr. Fletcher gradually
puts together the pieces...
of Zelig's behavioral puzzle.
Dividing her time
between the hospital...
and the 42nd-Street Library,
she writes her report.
A closed meeting
of doctors listens...
as Dr. Fletcher describes Zelig
as a human chameleon.
Like the lizard
that is endowed by nature...
with a marvelous
protective device...
that enables it
to change color...
and blend in with
its immediate surrounding...
Zelig, too, protects himself...
by becoming
whoever he is around.
The doctors listen,
and their reaction is skeptical.
"Impossible," they claim.
"If he's a lizard,"
quips one doctor...
"then we shouldn't spend
hospital money feeding him...
"but simply catch him
some flies."
We knew we had
a good story this time...
because it had everything in it.
It had romance.
It had suspense.
This fellow Zelig,
he grew up poor.
My city editor said, "Ted...
"we want this story
on page one every day."
In those days, you'd do anything
to sell papers.
To get a story,
you'd jazz it up...
you'd exaggerate,
play with the truth.