Wasn't wearing green.
They made remarks.
I turned lrish.
You told them you were lrish?
My hair turned red.
My nose turned up.
Spoke about
the great potato famine...
and the little people.
We do not agree
with Dr. Fletcher's ideas.
We believe those ideas
are pipe dreams.
We believe that any change
in Zelig's condition...
is going to be brought about...
through certain
experimental drugs...
which although risky,
have been known to work wonders.
Zelig is treated
with the experimental drug...
somadril hydrate.
He undergoes
severe mood changes...
and for several days
will not come off the wall.
Then suddenly...
as Dr. Fletcher is beginning
to make some progress...
the question of Zelig's fate
takes a new twist...
as his half sister Ruth
removes him from the hospital.
"He can be better cared for
at home," she tells the doctors.
He'll be looked after by her
and her lover Martin Geist--
a businessman
and ex-carnival promoter.
There is very little resistance
amongst the doctors...
who are relieved to be rid
of the frustrating case.
Only Dr. Fletcher cares
about Zelig as a human being.
She insists he desperately needs
special care...
but it is to no avail.
No one was questioning
her legal right to Zelig.
She was his half sister
and his guardian...
but she had a strange
boyfriend called Geist.
He'd been in jail
for real-estate fraud.
He was selling
the same piece of property...
to a lot of people.
A Delaware Congressman
bought it twice.
The crowds
that line the roads...
to glimpse the human chameleon
tie up traffic for days.
He's a sight to behold
for tourists and children.