
Everyone used to be
at my place--

everyone who was someone--
and occasionally
someone would bring Zelig in--

Leonard in.
Cole Porter
was fascinated by Leonard...

and he once
wrote a line in a song...

"You're the tops.
You're Leonard Zelig."

But then he couldn't find
anything to rhyme with Zelig.

I'm flying high
'Cause I've got a feeling
I'm falling

Falling for nobody else but you
You caught my eye
Now I got a feeling I'm falling
Show me that ring,
and I'll jump right through

I used to travel single, oh
We chanced to mingle, oh
Now I'm a-tingle over you
Hey, Mr. Zelig, stand by
'Cause I've got a feeling
I'm falling

Falling for nobody else but you
Though the shows and parties...
keep Zelig's sister
and her lover rich and amused...

Zelig's own existence
is a nonexistence.

Devoid of personality...
his human qualities long since
lost in the shuffle of life...

he sits alone,
quietly staring into space...

a cipher, a nonperson,
a performing freak.

He who wanted only to fit in,
to belong...

to go unseen by his enemies
and be loved...

neither fits in nor belongs...
